Our Story
Our Juicing Journey

Sam Kingsford

Shelby Kingsford
Favorite Juice: Machu Beet-Chu
Favorite Juice: Mt. Kale-Imanjaro
In the midst of our daily lives, we so often lose track of what is important. Health and wellness are often sacrificed for speed and convenience. I found that the stresses of my life caused me to have a poor diet. I suffered from headaches and fatigue, and as a result, exercise was difficult for me.
I knew that I needed to find a solution.
During my research I came upon a few texts on eastern medicine. They postulated that food could be used as medicine. Essentially, the food we put in our bodies is the predominate factor in determining a persons health. I found that Juicing could be a long term solution to my dietary needs.
So I started Juicing
Armed with a Molotov cocktail of vitamins and nutrients flowing through my veins, I found that overnight my headaches and fatigue were gone, I had more energy, and was just glowing overall. Since then, plant based nutrition has been the focus of my life for nearly a decade.
I realized that my newfound knowledge could help others, and I realized that I wanted to share this gift of health with everyone around me. It was in that moment that I decided to form Drip Juice Therapy. If I can encourage others to make a positive change, and prioritize their health, the way I have. I know that together we can find the juice to nourish our bodies and our souls. I know you'll feel the difference, when it is
Done Right In Press
- Shelby Kingsford
Drip Juice Therapy Founder & CEO